Getting rid of panic attacks is easy if you practice certain self motivating efforts. To know how to get rid of anxiety attacks, read on.

How To Get Rid Of Panic Attacks

Anxiety is a common feeling experienced by each one of us, at some point of time or the other. Though it is considered quite healthy to experience anxiety to a certain level, excess of it can be really unnerving. Panic or anxiety takes place when our body prepares itself for a stressful situation. This is visible in the form of various physiological changes, such as increased perspiration, increased heart beat, hands getting cold, muscles getting tensed or hands getting clammy. However, if these changes occur in cases where they are actually not needed, they are called anxiety attack or panic attack. Want to know more about panic attacks? Read on further and increase your knowledge.
Symptoms Of Panic Attacks 
  • There are many people who complain of shortness of breath when they experience a panic attack. It may become hard to breathe normally and you may find yourself gasping for air.
  • If you start felling dizzy all of a sudden, it can be read as an indicator of panic attack. You may loose all sense of what you are doing.
  • Chest pain is also experienced by many, during a panic attack. They may think that they are experiencing a heart attack.
  • The feeling of loss of control and anxiety are the most common indicators of a panic attack. You may feel that you do not have control over your own life.
  • Undue fear is also a veritable sign of panic attack. You may fear certain things and nurture some phobias. If you think deeply, you may even realize that you fears are unfounded.
Getting Rid Of Panic Attacks
  • For getting rid of anxiety or panic, it is very necessary for you to acknowledge that you are actually facing such a problem. It is very important for you to understand your system.
  • Check out for physical changes in your body, which will indicate whether you are actually experiencing an attack. The symptoms can be quite subtle, such as slight perspiration on the palms of the hand or aggravated, like increased heart rate, restriction of breathing and fainting.
  • In a panic situation, constantly pacify your mind by saying that there is no threat and you need to relax. Repeat this to yourself a couple of times and within minutes, the message will reach your subconscious level. The subconscious is that part of the mind that keeps you alive every day.
  • Pay attention towards your environment, diet, health and lifestyle. This is because there are a number of sources and causes of anxiety attacks that can be attributed to our lifestyle.
  • Expel the bad influences of your life, as they add to stress levels. If you feel you are not able to cope up with your stress, then find out the underlying issue or stressor responsible for your distress.
  • After you have located the problem, choose a strategy to deal with it or decide to ignore it. Mostly, dealing with the problem and working it out in your mind helps immensely.

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