Even a novice can learn how to draw animals by following some simple steps. Read on to know more.

How To Draw Animals

Have you tried to draw an animal, just to have it end up looking like a distorted balloon? Well, you’re not alone. There are many others like you who find it very difficult to draw animals. The sad part is that there is no secret that can help a person draw an animal perfectly. However, there are different techniques that can be used to help a person draw the basics. An eye for detail, the will to achieve perfection, practice, and passion for art will help you get the desired results. Before all of this, you will need to know what is beneath the feathers or the fur of the animal in order to be able to draw it properly. Therefore, you will need to know the anatomy of the animal that you are planning to draw. To keep it simple, remember that the animal’s body is quite similar to the human body, the main difference being the animal’s shoulders, which appear to hang down from their spine. A point to keep in mind is that you should avoid using a grid system to draw an animal since it will not give the image dimension. Read on to learn to draw animals. 
Learn To Draw Animals 
  • Collect relevant resources that you will need in order to aid you in drawing the animal of your choice. These could range from pictures to videos. Analyze the animal’s anatomy and try to identify the different shapes of the body. For example, if you are drawing a tiger, the head would be oval, the ears, triangular, and the body, rectangular.
  • Make use of a pencil when drawing so that you can erase the initial mistakes you make. Draw the layout of the underlying shapes. In all animals, there will be both overlying shapes and underlying shapes.
  • Erase the parts that overlap once you have finished drawing the basic shapes in light pencil. Ensure that all parts of the drawing are in sync with the other shapes. It is very important to make sure that all shapes connect smoothly.
  • Carefully study the lighter as well as the darker tones in the pictures or videos that you have. How you apply these tones will define how realistic your drawing is. A suggestion is to use grey tones with fewer strokes for darker tones.
  • Blend the color tones properly by making use of tissue or any other blending tools that you might have. Proper blending plays an important part in getting the desired result.
  • Periodically, check your reference photographs or videos to be sure that the details are similar to that of your drawing. Check the light and dark tones carefully. If there are highlights needed, you can use a kneaded eraser for this or even a battery-operated highlighter.
  • Continue blending the drawing and you will be able to bring out the difference between the different body parts properly. While this may not be meticulous at first, you will find that time and practice will help you a lot. 
Tips To Remember 
  • Firstly, master the outlaying process before progressing to more complex and detail features
  • Make use of pencil so that you can easily erase your initial mistakes. 

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