Discover energy efficient ways to get hot water on demand, by buying the right bathroom heaters. Find out tips on how to choose a bathroom water heater.

How To Choose Water Heaters For Your Bathroom

How many times has this happened? You and your family decide to go for a trip. Everyone finishes their shower and when it’s your turn, all you get from the faucet is tepid water. That leaves you wondering what was the point in spending money on a water heater that promised to give hot water by the gallons. Unlike earlier times, nowadays, there are many kinds of water heaters used for different kinds of consumption. The conventional bathroom water heaters are being replaced by tankless or solar water heaters. With the increase in use of hot tubs, saunas, and Jacuzzis, water consumption and heating have risen. Due to this increase in demand for hot water, bigger water heaters are being manufactured, although they are not entirely energy efficient. While choosing a water heater, ensure that you understand the level of consumption in your household. Buying a water heater too big will only lead to higher power bills. On the other hand, with advanced technology, energy efficient water heaters have come up, but they are expensive and should be purchased on the basis of your consumption and requirement only. If you want to save money, when you are thinking about replacing your existing water heater, it is best to do so with a new model of the same fuel type. If cost is not a factor, but you are environmental conscious, you could choose solar water heaters or high-energy, efficient, tankless water heaters. Usually products that have a blue energy star are more energy-efficient. To explore some more tips on how to choose water heaters for your bathroom, read on.
Buying Bathroom Water Heaters
  • There are mainly three kinds of water heating devices, namely storage water heater, tankless water heaters and solar water heater.
  • Most homes use storage water heaters, which use either electricity or gas to heat water. They are more economical to purchase and install. They typically provide 40 to 50 gallons of hot water, are easy to use and generally have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years.
  • Tankless water heaters provide unlimited supply of hot water and are energy efficient. They do not store hot water, but produce it on demand. They also come in compact designs and sizes ,so they can be easily fitted near fixtures that use most hot water. Some tankless water heaters can also be installed outdoors, leading to more space indoors. They usually have a lifespan of 20 years. Apart from this, in a few countries and states, there are energy tax credits or incentives available for purchasing energy efficient products.
  • Going green is the latest trend and for those who wish to reduce their carbon footprint, solar water heater is the perfect choice. Based on which region you live in, solar heaters can produce more than half of your hot water requirements. The solar panels are attached to the roof and work along with the storage tank. Purchasing a solar water-heating unit is quite an investment, but it is negated by the huge tax credits, incentives, and local rebates that could be availed. Moreover, solar heaters may last much longer than other water heaters.



  • Always read the product manual before working on operating a new water heater.

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