By calculating carbon footprints, we are able to determine our contribution towards the greenhouse gas emissions. Explore this article to find out how to calculate your carbon footprint.

How To Calculate Carbon Footprint

Have you ever wondered the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) that we emit into the atmosphere just for the sake of supporting our lifestyle? Can you estimate how frequently we utilize the available resources for the heck of increasing one moment of our life? These estimates are simply beyond our imagination. Nonetheless, measures have come up that help us calculate the amount of CO2 released in the air. Yes, we are talking of carbon footprint, the latest talk of the town. Not only it helps to indicate the CO2 emissions, but also with the basic standard usage guide in our hands, it helps us to reduce these emissions to a large extent. Read on further to know more about carbon footprint and also learn how to calculate the amount of greenhouse gas emissions.
Calculating Carbon Footprint  
A carbon footprint is a measure of CO2 emissions that result from numerous activities undertaken by an individual during a particular time period. It can be defined as “the total set of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by an organization, event or product”. Greenhouse gases are pollutants that trap heat in the atmosphere from the sunlight, which hits the ground and bounces back. The most common of these gases are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). However, for the purpose of calculating emissions, a carbon footprint is usually expressed in tons of CO2. There are a number of carbon footprint calculators available on the internet. All you have to do is log on to the website and enter the required data. The results that you get will enable you to take the necessary steps to reduce CO2 emissions.  
Follow the method of calculating your carbon footprint by using the following formula:
  • First, multiply your monthly electricity bill by 105.
  • Then, multiply your monthly gas bill by 105.
  • Now, your monthly oil bill with 113.
  • In case gas bill and oil bill is not applicable to you, simply mark the entries with a 0.
  • The total yearly mileage used by you should now be multiples by 0.79.
  • Multiple the number of flights that you board in a year by 1,100 in case the duration is 4 hours or less. However, if the duration is 4 hours or more, multiply by 4,400.
  • In case you recycle your newspaper, add a 0, otherwise add on 184.
  • Finally, if you recycle aluminum and tin, add on a 0 to your calculations. Otherwise, add 166.
  • Now, add up all your answers that you have calculated to get a rounded up figure.
  • In case you get a number below 6,000 (calculated in pounds per year), you are going great in terms of saving fuels and emitting less carbon into the atmosphere. However, a number above 22,000 is a warning sign for reducing your carbon footprint. If you land anywhere between 6,000 and 15,999, you are good while a number between 16,000 and 22,000 is average.

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