Wooden fencing looks classic & adds to the overall appeal of a house. The best part is that building it on your own is easy. If you are now wondering how to build wood fence, here are tips to help you

How To Build Wood Fence

Bothered about your nosey neighbors or the unwanted pets on your territory? Well, keeping away these unwelcomed guests is now easy. All you have to do is to erect a fence around your house and you will be able to keep the prying guests away. Wood will prove to be the best bet when considering a fence. Remember Tom Sawyer and his famous wooden fence-painting escapade! Wooden fence lends a country appeal to your house, is a cost-effective alternative to other fencing options (like plastic and wrought iron), and comes with a wide range of designing options. Arched, picket, shadow box, lattice top and deck rail top - these are just a few of the popular choices in wood fencing. A wooden fence not only offer protection, privacy and value, but also look attractive, is versatile and makes for a creative choice. A properly designed, finely crafted and skillfully installed wood fence takes on an individual quality all its own, independent of its surroundings. However, if you are clueless about where to start, or just need some good pointers on how to build your own wooden fence, here is a detailed description.
Building Wooden Fencing
  • Privacy Fence Panels (6' x 8')
  • Posts (4"x4"x8')
  • Concrete (24 bags)
  • Pre-hinged Gate
  • Deck Screws (2") and Post Hole Digger
  • Wheelbarrow and Pneumatic Drill
  • Saw, Hammer and Level
  • Measure Tape and Pencil
  • Building wooden face can prove to be a simple as a game, given that you stick to the basics. However, before you make the first dive, it is important to select the right type of wood to fit your purpose.
  • Start erecting your fence from a corner. Consider all the underground wiring like gas, water, electricity and telephone lines and mark out these areas before you start out.
  • Rig up your first post with the help of a post hole digger and concrete mix and even off the mix before it dries off. Stretch a line from each corner or end post to align all the posts in-between.
  • Keep a spacing of at least of 6-8 inches between your fence posts. However, the distance may vary depending on the type, terrain and design of your fence.
  • Pause to consider the position of your fence. The look and strength of your fence will depend on how you position your fence posts.
  • Take care to bury the posts to at least 1/3 of their total length, to secure their grip and ensure that they are able to withstand the pressure. You can secure the posts by making the holes slightly larger at the bottom, than at the top and then covering its base with a large stone or pebbles, to avoid excessive moisture at the base.
  • Position the post on top of the gravel and fill it up with dirt or concrete. Make certain that all the posts are in exact, upright position. Brace each post with a pole, after it is aligned. Allow the concrete to set. When the post is properly aligned, cover the base with more concrete or dirt to firm its hold.
  • When the post is set, create a slope of concrete, covering the base of the post to prevent water clogging. Allow the posts to stand for several days and settle firmly in position, before adding the fence.
  • Always keep the head of the posts rounded, capped or slanted. This will help to prevent water retention on the fence, something that can often lead to rotting. This is well worth the extra effort, since it allows the posts to last.
  • Take care to place 4"x4" thick post on each side of the gate. After you have fixed the posts, begin installing the lumber panels over the posts. Using pneumatic drill, attach the dark screws adequately to tighten the grip.
  • Finally put on a latch and deck the fence according to your style. Don’t forget to check all the loose ends and nails of the fence for security measure.

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