Teething is a painful process that all children have to undergo. Use the natural home remedies for teething given here, to make your baby’s teething as trouble-free as possible.

Home Remedies For Teething

You are playing with your baby at home and he puts your finger into his mouth. Just as he begins to chew on them, you notice that something is pricking you. You open his mouth and what you see is his first tooth. Obviously, you start dancing with joy. A word of caution: seeing your baby’s first tooth makes you very happy, but be prepared to experience a cranky baby. While teething, a baby undergoes too much pain and irritation and obviously, he will make sure that you also experience the same. Jokes apart, this is the time you have to provide something for your baby to chew on. Apart from that, you have to try to reduce his pain as much as possible. Don’t worry! In the following lines, we have provided a number of natural home remedies to get you over the ordeal of baby teething.
Home Remedy for Teething
  • Take a wash cloth and soak it in Camomile Tea. Thereafter, freeze the cloth and give it to the baby for chewing.
  • Otherwise, you can simply soak the cloth in pure water and then freeze it in the refrigerator. It will have the same effect.
  • Take some olive oil and gently rub on the gums of your baby. It will help in alleviating the pain.
  • Take a small piece of ginger root and rub it over the gums of the baby gently. This will help in soothing the pain.
  • Take a baby carrot and freeze it properly. Thereafter, give it to your baby to chew on.
  • You can also freeze a banana and let you baby chew it till it is hard. It will help massage his gums.
  • Take waffles and cut them into fingers. Keep them in the freezer till they are extremely hard and then let the baby chew them.
  • Rubbing vanilla extract over the gums of the baby, when he is teething, helps in reducing the pain. Make sure the extract is pure.
  • You can also give your baby the dark green end of the green onions to chew on, when he is teething.
  • Take an ice cube from the freezer and wrap it in a dish towel. Now, give it to your baby to chew on.
  • You can also take an ordinary bagel and keep it in the freezer. It will act as the perfect homemade teething ring.

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