To achieve goals, you must first use these goal setting activities to set goals! Peek into the article to find some activities for goal setting.

Goal Setting Activities

A goal is an aim. A goal needs to be achieved. A goal can be short term or long term, a dream or reality, but in the end it is a goal that you have framed in your mind for yourself. Today’s vision becomes tomorrow’s reality. What does goal setting do to change your life? It makes you positive, increases your sense of personality and sense of self esteem. But merely making a set of goals won’t get you anywhere; you need to work towards it too. And for this to happen, you have to set your priorities straight, differentiate between realistic and unrealistic dreams and cut down the latter while get to work on the former ones. Make sure you are ambitious just to a point where you can come up with the resources. And then, comes the key to all success – commitment. Next, outline the course of action and get some support from family and friends! To know more about activities that can help you in goal setting, read ahead.
Activities For Goal Setting

Someone You Admire

  • Qualities of people you admire always work as motivation. Try to think about the person you admire the most and incorporate their likeable qualities into yourself. It could be a sportsperson, a film star, your friend, your mother or even someone who you’ve just seen and/or heard.
  • Write down this person’s name on a blank sheet of paper on the top. Now divide the paper into columns such as career, money, relationships and family. In each of these columns write down the characteristics that you know of that person.
  • From these characteristics, put a cross on the qualities you think you have and a tick mark on the things you would like to be.
  • Don’t be disillusioned when you see a lot of characteristics that you need to achieve. It will happen over time. This should be your ideal self that you are striving to attain.
Specific Goals
  • Take another sheet of paper and divide all your goals into family goals, health goals, career goals and personal goals.
  • Give yourself around 10 min to fill up each column with at least 10 goals each. Forget about whether it is achievable or not. If you want it, write it!
  • For example, in the family goals you can write – spend more time with family; in health goals you can say – avoid junk food every alternate day; in career goals you can write – will be more effective in the same number of hours and finally in the personal goals you can include – be more social.
  • By simply writing this down, you have framed in your mind that you have these many goals to achieve. Naturally, every day you will remember these goals and every time you think you have completed a goal, strike it off.
Priority Goals
  • After writing all your short term and long term goals, choose a particular goal that you would like to work on. By being specific, there is a greater risk of concentration and focus on the goal.
  • Write this goal down and write down all the resources you need and have- money, people support and determination to complete this.
  • This is called smart goal, where the goal is taken to the next level of accomplishment. Not many people write their goals down, but this is the best way to know how much more effort you need to put in.
  • Smart goals are based on being realistic, time restrained and very specific.
  • Last but not the least, you need is will power and enthusiasm to complete this goal.
By trying to achieve your dreams, you view life in a different and positive perspective. And once you have benefitted yourself, help others achieve their goals too!

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