Did you know that mynahs are better imitators of human sounds than parrots? Read on to know more interesting facts and amazing information about this remarkable bird species.

Facts About Mynah

Mynah is a type of Asian Starling, particularly found in India, Sri Lanka, Africa and other Southeast Asian nations. These garrulous birds have wonderful, gregarious personalities and are much loved for their inimitable mimicry of human sounds. However, they can be a complete mess when in large flocks and are infamous for creating nuisance. Mynahs are easy to tame and make lovable pets. They love to hop around, are friendly with kids, and like to be pampered with regular baths. Of all the different species of mynahs, the hill mynah is the much prized, because of its exceptionally sweet chuckles and loud whistles. Mynas are lively, alert and are not frightened easily. Read on to know some more interesting facts & amazing informationonthis bubbly, chirpy, vivacious bird.
Facts About Mynah
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Sturnidae
Species: Ampeliceps coronatus (crown)
Length: 21.59 cm
Weight: 170-260 grams
Lifespan: 12-25 years
Diet: Fruits, insects, worms and invertebrates
Habitat: Tropical regions, found in lowland forests
Age of Sexual Maturity: 2-3 years
Gestation Period: 14 to 15 days
Number of Offspring: Usually 3-5 eggs
Interesting & Amazing Information On Myna
  • Mynah is a lively, confident, aggressive, and noisy bird. It is friendly and perky, and the large flocks that gather at roosting time are usually raucous and grouchy.
  • The bird makes for a truly treasured pet, with its exceptional talent as an imitator. It can deftly mimic almost any sound it hear, right from the sound of human voices to the sound of a bicycle. Now, that’s incredible, isn’t it!
  • Did you know that the word ‘mynah’ has been derived from the Sanskrit word ‘madana’, which draws its inspiration from the English word ‘bubbles’, indicating happiness? Thus, the word ‘mynah’ means ‘brimming with happiness or joy’.
  • Mynahs love to build their nests in tree holes or abandoned nests of woodpeckers. However, they can be often spotted at cliff sides, walls or even in holes in rooftops.
  • These birds have as many as eleven sub-species. What’s more, they love to live in pairs or in flocks of twenty to thirty birds.
  • The Global Invasive Species Database has listed mynah as the top 100 worst invaders in the world.
  • Mynah holds different significance for different nations. While it is the national symbol of Bali; in India, it is seen more as a symbol of everlasting love.
  • There are different types of mynahs - Bali mynah, Hill mynah, Golden-crested mynah and Common mynah. Though these birds vary in their size, shape and color, their basic temperament is usually the same.
  • Common myna was first described in 1766 by Carolus Linnaeus, Swedish botanist, physician and zoologist.
  • Mynahs are prone to liver problems, because they love to feed on trash, something that makes them less desired at times.
  • These birds have glossy black skin, with yellow lappets or wattles. They have yellow beak and feet with a white patch on each wing.
  • Mynas often scavenge the grass for insects, especially grasshoppers. This is how they have gained their genetic name Acridotheres or "grasshopper hunter".
  • These birds keep up to two roosts at the same time; a temporary summer roost - close to a breeding site, and a permanent all-year roost - where the female broods and incubates overnight.
  • A group of mynas is collectively known as a "local" or a "statutory".

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