Black Panther is also known as black leopard, black cougar and even black jaguar. Read on to know some more interesting facts and amazing information on Black Panther.

Facts About Black Panther

A black panther is born out of the melanistic variants among the different species of cat within the group Panthera. The animal is born of black or fair-colored spotted leopards, along with other fair-colored spotted leopard cubs. Black Panther is known by different names in different parts of the world. In Latin America, Black Panther is known as black jaguars; in Asia and Africa, it is called black leopards, whereas in North America, it is black cougar. It is a carnivorous mammal, which boasts of an excellent tree-climbing ability. Black Panther is listed in the group of endangered species. We bring you some more interesting facts and amazing information on Black Panther in the below lines.
Black Panther
Facts About Black Panther
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Subfamily: Felinae
Genus: Panthera
Species: Pardus (leopard)/ Onca (jaguar)/ leo (lion)/ Tigris (tiger)      
Length: 0.9 - 2m; tail length: 0.6 -0.9 m
Weight: 29 to 91 kg
Lifespan: 12 years in wild and 20 years in captivity
Diet: Carnivore
Habitat: Rainforest, woodlands, marshland, savannahs, swamps and sometimes deserts and mountains
Call: Roar
Mating Time: Any time of year
Gestation Period: 90 to 105 days
Interesting & Amazing Information On Black Panthers 
  • At the time of its birth, the eyes of a black panther are closed. In fact, they are covered with light spotted graying fur, in the new-born cubs.
  • Black Panther cubs learn the skill of climbing trees at a very young age. They grow up to be the strongest tree climbers in the cat family.
  • Just when the cubs are two to three months old, they follow their mother to the hunting field. They are superbly fast in learning the hunting skill.
  • Seven to nine months after their birth, the cubs of a black panther can catch medium-size prey.
  • Almost in two years, Black Panther cubs become adept in establishing their own home range.
  • A black panther has a dark coat on its body that is functional as a mask during night, in the dense areas. This helps the panther remain safe from enemies and at the same, catch its prey without being noticed.
  • Black Panther is widely distributed over a variety of habitats, like rainforest, woodlands, marshland, savannahs, swamps and sometimes deserts and mountains.
  • The main reason for the panther’s adaptability to varied habitats is that it feeds on almost all type of animals. It is a typical carnivorous animal that finds its main source of food in mammal, birds and reptiles.
  • A black panther can survive in human-populated areas in a much better way than any other big cats.
  • Unlike other cats, like bobcats, cougars, housecats and lynx, a black panther can roar. 
  • Black Panther is less fertile by nature. It is also more unpredictable than its normal-colored counterparts.
  • Black Panthers prefer to stay alone. They come closer only during the mating season. The female panther stays with her cubs till they are mature enough to live alone.
  • All the black panthers stay and hunt by themselves, in an area called their home range.
  • Black Panther is known to have large paws that have high strength. It has soft pads and fur in between its toes, which enable it to have a silent walk while chasing its prey.
  • A black panther has retractable claws. It can pull its claws inside while walking and running. This enables the animal to keep its claws sharp.
  • The panther kills its prey by grabbing it at its throat, using its powerful paws with sharp claws. Sometimes, it kills its small preys by merely hitting its head with the front paw.

Black Panthers  
Black Jaguar  
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