With the help of proper facial exercises, one can easily lose a double chin. Learn how to get rid of those unwanted under-chin bulges, with these simple double chin exercises.

Double Chin Exercises

Double chin is usually a sign of being overweight. When excess of body fat starts to get stored in the various places in body, it starts to get stored in the neck and face area as well. This leads to a double chin. The chin area is more prone to gaining and storing of the fat. Too much fat gets accumulated under the jaw and gives one a double chin. It is also an early and most common sign of ageing. When the skin starts to lose its elasticity, the lose skin hangs around or gets accumulated at the jaw area. It is heartbreaking to have a double chin, especially if you are the kind of person who cares too much about your looks and appearance. It kills the original shape of your face by hiding those sharp and chiseled jaw lines. Although the extra weight on the chin is harmless but because it takes away the beauty, getting rid of it makes more sense. The good news is that you can get rid of a double chin and it is not a very hard task. You can diet to get rid of your double chin, which means that you will have to concentrate on having a healthy diet and avoiding the kind of food that is fattening. The other ways of getting liberated of a double chin is perhaps to disguise it. You can hide it with a fancy haircut. Get the haircut that ends at the jaw line because long hair puts more attention to the double chin than the short hair, since short hair creates an impression of a longer neck. You can camouflage double chin by wearing accessories like long, hang down chains or by wearing open and low cut necklines. Makeup can also help you hide that extra fat sitting on your chin; apply darker shade of foundation under your chin to create an illusion of a sleeker chin. There is a permanent solution of relieving yourself of the anguish of a double chin, exercising. You can try some very simple neck and chin exercises and give yourself the freedom from the fat collected on your chin. In this article, we have complied some of the double chin exercises for you to practice and enjoy the benefits of.


Exercises To Get Rid Of Double Chin 

  • Open your mouth wide and then bring the lower jaw forward and then move it upwards so that the bottom set of your teeth would pull out over your upper lip. You can do this easy exercise 3-4 times a day for 10-15 times. Be careful not to over work your jaws because the strain can leave your laws feeling achy and sore. Give your jaw line slight slaps to finish the exercise. Slap with the right amount of force, not too hard and not too soft.
  • Take your palm to your temple of forehead and push it for 10 seconds. You can rest your head and neck while doing this. You can repeat the same movement with your palm on the back of your head.
  • Slap the bottom of your chin with the back of your hand. Slowly but steadily increase the intensity of slapping your chin. Repeat this exercise few times a day for 2-3 times daily.
  • Lie flat on your back on the floor and slightly lift up your head and now look from side to side by turning your head without letting it rest on the floor. This will look like you are saying no with your head.
  • Lie straight on your back. See that your hands and legs are straight. Stare at the ceiling. Now, slowly bring your head down, and press your chin to your chest. Count until five, and then relax. Calm down for five seconds, and repeat. Do this exercise 20-25 times every day.
  • Sit in a straight posture, keeping the backbone rigid. Now, tilt your head to the back, so that you stare straight at the ceiling. Slightly tug the neck skin with your hand, and keep holding so, while you are exercising. Next, pull your lower jaw forward, while pressing the lips together. Hold on for 5 seconds, and then relax. Repeat for 20-25 times daily.
  • Lie on your back. Keep your legs straight, and see that your hands lie straight near your thighs. Now, slowly lift the lower portion of your head up, in such a way, that your chin is the highest point of the head. Hold it for 2 seconds and then slowly release. Make 25 repetitions.
  • Sit in front of a mirror. Now, open your mouth widely. Slowly, tilt your head towards the back and cover your upper lip with the help of your lower lip. Hold for a count of five, and then release. Repeat 10 times.
  • Sit in an upright posture. Now, slowly tilt your head up and look towards the ceiling. Looking up, open your mouth widely and then shut it. Try to put a strain in the chin’s under muscles. Do it continuously for 10-15 times, and then relax.
  • Sit in a straight posture. Now, lift your head and look at the ceiling. Pretend to chew something in an exaggerated fashion. Continue chewing for 10-15 seconds and relax.
  • Place your palms on your forehead, fingers widely spread. Now, try to push your head forward, while trying to resist the forward motion with the help of your neck and chin. Do 10 times every day.

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