Thirsty or not, one should drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. Read below to know more on dehydration facts.

Dehydration Facts

Dehydration is not simply the loss of water from the body. Along with the water, dehydration also leads to the depletion of several essential minerals classified as electrolytes. As a result of dehydration, the water content of the body gets so low that the vital activities within the body cannot be carried out. Therefore, the body lapses into a state of lethargy, loss of energy and loss of strength. If the body is not hydrated in time then it can even result in death. To prevent dehydration, the natural solution, of course, is to drink plenty of water. Especially during summer and exercising, which leads to excessive loss of water due to sweating, water should be drunk in large quantities to replenish the body. You should also know that other than water no other type of fluid, apart from juices, will be of much help to combat dehydration. For more detailed information, read the dehydration facts given below.

Facts On Dehydration

  • The excessive loss of bodily fluid is defined as dehydration. On an average, the body loses about two and a half liters of body water every day through breathing, sweating and urinating. Any strenuous activity, physical and emotional stress leads to more loss of fluids.
  • Overweight people need to drink more water compared to a person with normal weight to prevent dehydration. While a person with normal weight needs to drink eight to twelve glasses of water every day, those who are obese should drink an extra glass of water for every eleven kilograms of excess weight.
  • Dinking plenty of water, in addition to preventing dehydration, also helps in burning fat as it increases the rate of metabolism and flushes out the toxins from the body.
  • Dehydration can be caused by the loss of a mere 2% to 5% of the body fluid. This leads to mild dehydration. A loss of 6% to 10% of fluid leads to moderate dehydration and a loss of 11% or more is classed as severe dehydration.
  • Dehydration of only 3% can cause depletion of the body strength by 10% and loss of speed by 8%. So, it is very necessary to constantly drink water even when one is not thirsty.
  • More than 15% of dehydration can prove to be fatal.
  • Mild dehydration can be identified by symptoms like thirst, weakness, tiredness, dark urine, low volume of urine, dry mouth, dizziness and headache. The symptoms of moderate and severe dehydration are no output of urine, fainting, extreme lethargy and sheepishness and sunken eyes.
  • Keeping the body protected from dehydration by drinking plenty of water is said to cut the risks of several types of cancer. It is said that drinking at least five glasses of water cuts down the risk of breast cancer by 79%, bladder cancer by less than 50%, and colon cancer by 45 %. Staying hydrated is also said to ease back and joint pain by 80%.
  • Dehydration can put enormous pressure on the liver and kidneys to flush out toxins and other waste products. As such during dehydration there are more chances of liver and kidney damage.
  • Alcoholic and caffeine-based beverages and sodas cannot cure dehydration. These drinks can, in fact, cause more harm as they increase the thirst.
Now that you know all the facts related to dehydration, head straight towards the kitchen or your refrigerator and guzzle down a glass of water; lest you become a victim of it.

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