A confident person is one who is admired and respected by everyone. Learn how you can build up confidence in you through these exercises.

Confidence Building Exercises

“I am not a has-been.  I am a will be.”Lauren Bacall. Yes it is the ‘I’ factor that makes that difference. No one can beat a person who strongly believes in himself and has made an identity for himself. Why do you think Mahatma Gandhi had so many followers and why did they follow him blindly to give their lives believing in non-violence! It’s nothing but his confidence and actions that inspired millions to join him. Success is the synonym of confidence. Never will a person with a low confidence can dream to make it big in his life for he loses the battle in the beginning itself. But the one who considers every failure as the stepping stone to success will cut a path for himself. It is always a pleasure to watch someone speak with his/her head held high, answering questions assuredly. Ratan Tata, Azim Premji or Narayan Murthy are nothing less than living legends only because they have the confidence to face anything and everything that comes their way. They consider every new problem not as an obstacle but as a new objective.  Here are a few tips on how you can go about boosting your confidence.

Exercises For Boosting Confidence
Think Positive
Optimism is the word that has to be circled in the dictionary. An extremely positive mind is what you need to gift yourself. ‘I can’ should rule your mind when you are not able to cope up with negative things that come as hurdles on your way. Know how to love yourself and be proud of whatever achievements you have made in life, big or small. You can stick a few posters with quotes on success and confidence on the walls of your room and get inspired by those words each time you read them. Life becomes exciting only with things that you can do and not with the ones you dare not try. Learn to say ‘I Can’ aloud.
Find Right Objectives
Be sure about the objectives that you set. Set each goal as per your strengths and your abilities. Categorize the objectives as per your skills and talents and at the end of the day you will be able to harvest the fruit of your confidence through these fulfilled objectives. Prioritize each goal, like go for the easier tasks first then slowly raise the challenges. Remember failures can interrupt you but take it as a challenge and march forward. You have to reach the final lap to take the trophy of success securely in your hands.
Listen to yourself. Meditate each day for a new beginning and a fresher day that is in the offering. Consult yourself for taking decisions and persuade your mind to make the best of the decisions.
Body Language
There are many things that boost confidence in a person from the file that he is holding to the tie that he is wearing. Choose the best outfit that gives you that comfort zone and elevate your confidence. Walk straight with your head held high. This itself exhibits the confidence that is abundant in you. Make the first impression the best one. From a good hand shake to a beautiful smile, everything counts..
Breathe Properly
Whenever you feel that you are low in confidence, try taking some deep breaths. This is a great exercise to tackle nervousness and can revitalize you.

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