Is your cat infested with fleas? Read on to find out effective methods of cat flea treatment.

Cat Flea Treatment

Fleas are tiny little creatures that feast on the blood of animals and cause itching and pain, apart from transmitting other conditions that could cause your pet’s health to deteriorate. Cats are quite prone to getting fleas, just as dogs are. The clearest indication that your cat has a flea problem is when it scratches itself continually. Soon, there will be dry patches of skin on your cat, and fur will begin dropping out in patches. In time, flea infestation can lead to your cat having a tapeworm infestation. Further, your pet might become anemic since the fleas drain it of blood, and it could even die. The interesting part is that cats do not pick up fleas from other cats. When cats roll on grass or scrape their body on a bush, they pick up flea eggs, which can stay lodged in their skin or drop off into your carpet. As time passes, these eggs become pupae and progress to be annoying fleas. The good news is that there are ways in which you can treat your cat in order to get rid of fleas. Some of these methods of treatment are listed below. 
Treating Fleas In Cats
Cat Flea Powders And Sprays 
Sprays and powders that are used to get rid of fleas are very easy to use. However, they are effective for only 3 to 7 days so you will need to keep re-applying this throughout the flea season.
Cat Flea Shampoos 
Flea shampoos are quite effective. However, the difficulty lies in getting your cat to stay still so that you can bathe it. If you manage to get your cat into the tub, remember that you will need to repeat the process every week since the shampoos control fleas only for a week.
Cat Flea Dips 
Flea dips are strong chemicals that get rid of not only fleas but also ticks and mites. The effect of dips last for a week or two. Considering that the dips are quite strong and that they leave a chemical residue on your cat’s fur, it is best to use it only if the cat also has ticks or mites.
Flea Collars 
Cat flea collars emit a toxic gas that kills fleas. This gas is also absorbed into the cat’s skin in order to prevent further infestation. While flea collars are very effective, they only work on fleas that are in the head and neck area and are not very effective if the cat spends a lot of time outdoors.
Spot-On Flea Treatments 
Spot-on flea treatments are great for killing not only adult fleas, but also inhibit the larva from getting out of the eggs, in case of the ones that come with chemicals. These need to be administered every 30 days.
Oral Flea Medications 
There are numerous oral flea medicines that are being considered by veterinarians to get rid of fleas. While these oral medicines do not kill adult fleas, they cause female fleas to lay eggs that cannot hatch. Therefore, it is good to use oral medication along with a good flea spray. Also, keep in mind that oral flea medications will need to be administered to your pet every 30 days during the time of year when flea infestation is common.

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