Bigger Loser Diet Plan is an efficient way of shedding that extra fat and flab. Learn more about the Bigger Loser Diet Weight Loss Tips.

Bigger Loser Diet

Bigger Loser Diet is a calorie-controlled, carbohydrate-modified, fat-reducing, weight-loss diet plan, aimed at burning the extra fat without deprivation or loss of energy. Moreover, it is high in lean protein. This is because protein has an ability to control hunger, which explains why high-protein diets are considered so effective for weight loss and fat-burning. One of the biggest benefits of the Bigger Loser Diet is that you can eat a wide variety of foods, as long as you adhere to mostly whole, natural foods.
Whole Foods
By whole foods, we mean those foods that have not been modified from their natural state, or even if they have been modified, it is minimal, for example in the form of cooking. This emphasizes the fact that one should choose foods that are closer to their natural source, specifically fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. This is because the body processes and utilizes them quite efficiently and significantly contributes to health. In addition, whole foods are also higher in fiber, which helps in weight loss and is filling at the same time. They even reduce the amount of calories absorbed by the body after a meal.
Whole foods do not contain added sugar, sweeteners, added fats or oils. Thus, they are never fattening, as compared to processed foods. In order to make the task simple, a formula has been advised by the Bigger Loser doctors, which will enable you to calculate the number of calories you need to lose weight. The formula is ‘your present weight X 7 = your daily caloric needs for weight loss.’ This is a static calculation which will keep changing as per your present status. With the help of this formula, you can make necessary adjustments in your diet and continue to shed weight.
Bigger Loser Diet Weight Loss Tips
4-3-2-1 Plan
Bigger Loser Diet finds its base in the 4-3-2-1 plan, in place of the food pyramid. It tells you how many servings of fruits, vegetables, protein and fat you should consume on a daily basis. Typically, it comprises of
  • Four servings of fruits and vegetables
  • Three servings of lean protein, like chicken breast, lean turkey and fish (at least one of the protein servings needs to be in the form of fish)
  • Two servings of whole grains
  • One serving of monounsaturated fat, including olive oil, nuts, seeds and  avocado
Portion Sizes
While following the Biggest Loser Diet, you will have to carefully measure out the food that you are eating on a daily basis and keep a count of the calorie intake. The total number of calories that you can consume in a day should not be more than seven times your body weight, in pounds (7 X body weight). The total caloric intake will be - 45 percent of calories from carbohydrates, 30 percent of calories from protein and 25 percent of calories from healthy fats.
As a part of the Biggest Loser Diet, you will need to indulge in exercise at least one hour per day. You can resort to aerobic exercises, like running, walking and biking. Along with that, you will have to do some strength training as well. Remember, the whole idea is to tone your body and burn calories.

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