You may have probably danced for fun so far. Now it’s time to dance for health! For more on dancing health benefits, read on.

Benefits Of Dancing

Never mind if you are the biggest “spaz” on the dance floor or harbor little aspirations of appearing on a dance reality show,  you still have many good reasons to let yourself loose and shake your booty and spin your head, no matter how clumsy you are with your moves! Apart from being a no-fail mood booster and a perfect way to tune in to shape, dance comes tagged with terrific health benefits too. So, if you love to waltz, then you are in luck! You don’t really have to master a two-step or be a ballet queen to dance. Just play your favorite track, get on to the living room and sway anyway you like. Apart from elating your mood, improving your flexibility, and boosting your health, dancing will help to slash the pounds and inches without any injury or aches. Doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to bop. Switching on to the reality dance shows on the television will leave you waltzing like a pro in no time. Scroll down this write up on dancing health benefits, hop on to your dancing shoes and let the music be your guide.
Health Benefits Of Dancing
Waltz Your Way To Youth
Obsessed with youth? Forget Botox and anti-ageing creams and get boogieing instead! Outsmart all signs of ageing and restore youth with a few hours of waltzing every day and turn back the clock on your frown lines, sagging skin and other age giveaways. Dancing is deemed as one of the most super effective fitness workouts that not only helps to take off pounds from your body but also boosts the cardiovascular system and lungs beyond measure. So if you wish to stay young forever, don’t forget to do the tango!
Boogie For Your Bones
Dancing not only helps to pack off extra pounds and uplift mood but also promises to leave your health on high gear. Wonder how? Most women experience a significant slump in their estrogen levels, especially post-menopause. With a drop in the levels of estrogen, bones cease to absorb calcium, phosphorus and other minerals, thereby tapering off bone density. Result, porous, fragile bones and heightened risk of osteoporosis. Grooving to your favorite tunes won’t just keep your bones lubed and strong but will also stave off all risks of osteoporosis. 
Sway For A Slim Body
Rock n’ roll to your favorite tune and get rid of your belly pudge. Sounds too good to be true! Whether you wish to score a stunning body, shrink your muffin top or tone your thighs, glutes and mid waist, you can tone your total body by swinging to some fast fat-burning moves. Forget yoga and Pilates and just mambo to some pulsating thumps! Doing so won’t just pumps up your heart rate and increase body circulation but will also leave your body stamina at its peak.
Mambo To Improve Memory
Do you need brainteasers to boost your lateral thinking, logic and retention? Try bopping and you won’t ever forget your phone numbers, passwords, PIN and bank-account numbers ever again. Believe it or not, dancing provides the best mental stimulation for the brains, which means lesser memory lapses. Dancing not only boosts mental alacrity and retention power but also improves brainpower. The next time you think that your brain is overloaded or you can’t remember the lines of your favorite number, just switch on to your iPod and boogie to the song and you won’t ever have to push yourself hard to remember its lyrics again.
Balance! Balance! Balance!
Think you aren’t getting enough out of Tai Chi and Yoga? Switch on to dancing and give your health a major upgradation. Dancing isn’t just about fun and fitness. It’s also about balancing your body and improving posture. This low-impact and effective exercise not only helps to improve body agility and co-ordination but also perks up body reflexes. What’s more, dancing also aids to stabilize muscles and helps the body to connect to the mind. If you care for your well-being, then dancing is definitely the way to go!
Dance To Happiness!
Jump-start to good health and happier self with a few hours of dancing every day. Dancing isn’t just a perfect remedy for rotten days but is also the ultimate mood uplifter. Prancing to some electrifying music can leave your endorphins gushing. Never mind if you don’t know the perfect moves. Just getting into the groove will make you feel better in seconds.  
With so many health benefits to its name, it’s time to dance your way to good health! So what are you waiting for? Slip on your dancing shoes and get waltzing!

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