Cabbage, whether had in cooked form or raw form, accords a number of health benefits to an individual. Know all about the nutritional benefits of eating cabbage.

Benefits Of Cabbage

Cabbage is a vegetable that is mostly disliked by kids, though not every kid despises it. The mere mention of cabbage in dinner can make them conjure up the weirdest of excuses to escape the meal. However, the vegetable has a high nutritional value and numerous medicinal properties too. Several researches conducted on cabbage have established the immense health benefits that the vegetable possesses. Even in the ancient times, Greeks used fresh white cabbage juice to treat soreness or infection in the eyes. As for the mode of eating, cabbage can be eaten either in cooked form or in raw form, as a part of salad. In the following lines, we have provided information on the benefits of eating cabbage, so that you do not shy away from it, the next time.
Health & Nutritional Benefits of Cabbage 
  • Being rich in vitamin A, cabbage is said to be very good for your eyes as well as your skin.
  • Cabbage contains phytonutrients that help the body in fighting against the free radicals responsible for damaging the cell membranes. At the same time, phytonutrients aid the production of enzymes that help in detoxification.
  • Cabbage has been found to be associated with lower incidence of cancer, especially lung, stomach and colon prostate cancer.
  • The vegetable is very good for building of muscles and thus, getting a healthy body. This is because it is rich in iodine, which is necessary for proper muscle development.
  • Researches have proved that fresh cabbage juice helps in the healing of stomach ulcer.
  • Fresh cabbage juice comprises of sulfur and is thus, very effective in the treatment of fungus infection. Gastritis is also effectively treated by cabbage juice.
  • Cabbage has been related to lowering of serum cholesterol.
  • The vitamin B in cabbage helps in sustaining veracity of nerve endings as well as boosting of energy metabolism.
  • Red cabbage contains an antioxidant known as anthocyanin. This antioxidant is believed to be helpful in protection of brain cells and thus, in the avoidance of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Cabbage also contains lots of vitamin C and vitamin D. The former helps in the burning of fat, while the latter helps maintain skin vigor.
  • Sulforaphane, found in cabbage, augments the production of antioxidant and detoxification enzymes in the body.
  • Cabbage contains lactic acid that acts to disinfect colon. Lactic acid is also a significant source of energy for the body. It even helps reduce soreness of muscles.
  • Drinking 25-50 ml of cabbage juice helps treat headache, asthma, bronchitis and digestion problems.
  • Cabbage is known to have detoxifying properties. It purifies the blood and works to remove toxins from the body. The vitamin C and sulphur present in cabbage accounts for its detoxifying qualities.
  • Free radicals and uric acid, which are identified to be the main cause of rheumatism, gout, arthritis, renal calculi, skin diseases, eczema, hardening and de-colorization of skin etc, are also removed from the body due to cabbage consumption.
  • Cabbage is an anti-inflammatory vegetable and therefore, drinking its juice, retrieved from the stems, is an effective remedy against ulcers.

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