The flight of the bee is a great sight, but the sting of the bee can be excruciatingly painful. Read your way through this article to discover unique remedies for bee stings.

Bee Sting Treatment

Even an army comprising of the most fittest and formidable of soldiers will, without the question of doubt, fall to their knees when made to take on a swarm of angry bees. Such is the pain that can be caused by bees, what with their flaring tempers and agonizing stings. Sometimes however, it may not even take a swarm of bees to place a person in the midst of his worst nightmare. It may take just a single isolated bee to evoke fear in the heart of even an adult male, leave alone a kid. This is why the bee and its ‘buzzing’ noise commands so much respect and fear. A bee’s sting is extremely painful and can even cause a lot of discomfort. This makes it that much more important to know how to dish out the right kind of treatment to counter the pain and discomfort that are almost an instantaneous consequence of a bee sting. With bees all over the place and the chances of getting stung by a bee as high as ever, it’s nothing but a must to gain knowledge on bee sting remedies. Read on to establish familiarity with a few unique remedies for bee stings.
Bee Stings Remedy
  • The first thing to do to help out a person who has been attacked by bees is to scrape out the stinger as soon as possible. A delay in getting a bee’s stinger will only increase the pain and itching. You have also got to be extremely gentle when pulling out the stinger. Pulling out the stinger in a slapdash fashion or squeezing it out hastily will only release more venom and can be all that more painful.
  • Clean the stung areas with a mild soap and clean water. Post the cleaning, pat dry the stung area, and calm the victim down. Do not use over-the-counter sting remedies to battle the pain of a bee sting. Using commercial products will only increase the pain, itching, and swellings. This is mainly because these products contain toxic ingredients, vary in effectiveness, and can prove to be just as harmful as the sting of the bee.
  • Using ice is a great way to deal with a bee sting. Ice reduces the swelling caused by a bee sting by constricting blood vessels and decreasing the flow of venom into the blood stream. Ice, because of its numbing effects, also helps relieve the pain and itching that are a direct result of a bee sting.
  • The toothpaste that you normally use to brush your teeth with can be used to provide relief from a bee sting. It works on an alkaline versus acidity principle, just like baking soda (a great remedy for a bee sting). Toothpaste also has small amounts of glycerin, which can help soothe the pain caused by a bee sting. When applying toothpaste on a bee sting, squeeze out a little paste from the tube and gently rub the same on the wound. Do not overdo it. Too much paste on a sting will only destroy the purpose of applying the same. Also, never use a gel toothpaste for the application.
  • Baking soda is one of the most popular remedies for a bee sting, if not the most. You have got to make paste comprising baking soda and water and apply it on the area that has been stung. The alkaline nature of the baking soda will help nullify the effects of the acids present in a bee’s venom. To supplement the soothing effects of the baking soda paste, you can also mix in a few drops of raw papaya juice. This will help break down the proteins in the venom.

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