If you are bothered by your child’s bed wetting habit, read this article to know about bed wetting alarms and the home remedy available to cure this sleeping disorder.

Bed Wetting Solutions

‘Nocturnal Enuresis’ or ‘Bed Wetting’ (Sleep wetting) is a disorder where a person involuntarily urinates on the bed during night. It is very common in children under the age of five. Such a condition is very embarrassing for children when they get psychologically mature to understand the disgrace it brings. Moreover, it can be equally tormenting for the parents when their child bed wets, even after he/she is expected to gain control over his/her bladders. Such a habit might be the result of various psychological, medical or hormonal problems and might hinder the proper social development of your child, especially if it persists till teenage. In this article, we have provided various home remedies that can effectively help you to eliminate bed wetting disorder in your child.
Bed Wetting Alarm
A bed wetting alarm is actually a form of electronic device, much like a normal alarm, and is the safest and the most convenient solution for treating the problem of bed wetting. The device consists of an inbuilt moisture-sensor component and an alarm component. Thus, it is sensitive to moisture and buzzes whenever someone urinates while wearing it. The wearer thus wakes up before he fully wets the bed. Frequent use of this treatment tool helps to condition the brain to wake up at the sensation of a full bladder. Bed wetting alarms are generally designed in three different forms. Below we have detailed about the various forms of bed wetting alarms that are easily available in the market.
Wearable Alarms
Such alarms detect moisture immediately and are generally worn in or under the underwear or pajamas. Here, the alarm unit and the moisture sensor unit are attached to each other through a cord or wire.
Wireless Alarms
In wireless alarms, the moisture sensor unit or the transmitter that senses the moisture is worn under the pajamas. The alarm unit is not attached to it and receives signals wirelessly. One has to get out of the bed to switch it off.
Pad-type Alarms
Here, both the moisture sensor unit and the alarm unit remain unattached to the person’s body. The sensor is located on a mat or a pad where the person sleeps. The alarm unit, on the other hand, is placed on a bedside table or stand.
Home Remedy for Bed Wetting
Learn about a few tips that you can easily follow at home to prevent your child from bed wetting.
  • Provide a stress-free environment at home.
  • Limit the intake of water before your child goes to bed.
  • Let him drink a lot of water during the day.
  • Don’t give your child drinks that contain caffeine, before he goes to bed.
  •  Avoid too much sweets, fruits and food that contains artificial flavors.
  •  Advice your child to use the bathroom after dinner and before going to bed.
  • Never scold your child for bed wetting. It will aggravate the problem.
  • Remember to praise your child whenever he wakes up dry in the morning.
  • Teach the child to control the bladder by making him wait for a few minutes before urinating.
  • Wake him up in the middle of the night and urge him to use the bathroom.
  • Feed him a diet rich in calcium, magnesium and silica (bananas, almonds, etc).
  • Make him eat lots of green and leafy vegetables.
  • Give him food rich in fibers and protein.
  • Make the child chew cinnamon bark once a day.
  • Give him herbal tea (wormwood, oak bark, bear berry etc). 

You can successfully try these above tips to cure the problem of bed wetting in your child. If your child still wets the bed, take him to a good doctor. Your doctor can give proper mental counseling to the child and also suggest a few alternative medical measures to curb this sleeping disorder.

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