One of the most graceful dances known to the dance world, you need to learn some basic positions before performing ballet. Browse on to know the five basic positions of ballet.

Ballet Positions

An incredible and beautiful form of physical and artistic expression, ballet is a dignified concert dance originally from the Italian Renaissance courts. This dance form was later developed in France, Russia and England. Ballet is not as easy to perform as it looks and sounds. One has to master the positions of this dance form to become a professional ballet dancer. That is why most sports critics consider ballet as one of the most difficult forms of physical activities, since it requires vigorous and dedicated practice to learn the ballet positions and movements. Nonetheless, five positions form the building blocks of ballet, which an aspiring ballet dancer should master. Explained here are the basic five positions of ballet dancing.
Five Positions Of Ballet
First Position
The first position is demonstrated by touching the heels together and turning the toes outwards at an ideal angle of 180 degrees. The feet should not be turned forcefully as one requires regular practice to achieve a perfect turnout. Hips should be used while turning the feet. The main idea behind turning the feet is to place the knees back to back, giving the appearance of a perfectly aligned body which is neither stiff nor awkward looking. Positioning the arms correctly is also significant in the first step. Place your arms with hands curved towards the pelvis appearing as though you are carrying a huge barrel. This adds a feel of gracefulness to the entire position.
Second Position
After you have mastered the first position, it is time to move on the second one. Positioning your feet at 180 degrees turnout, space them at a distance of 12 inches apart. The position is same as the first one, the only difference being that the heels are separated from each other. While the arms remain in the same curved position, the hands stretch out slightly more, until they are almost of shoulder height. Now, all you need to do is stretch your arms out to the side, forming a smooth line. However, make sure that your hands are relaxed and not pointed.
Third Position
While focusing on the proper turnout, bring back the heels together, one placed ahead of the second. Place the heel of the left foot in the arch of the right foot. According to the foot placement, the arms should be positioned. In case the left leg is put in the arch of the right, the left arm should be placed over the head forming an arc, while the right arm should be placed as in the second position (outstretched). Similarly, the arms go opposite when the right foot is placed in the arc of the left foot.
Fourth Position
Place the right foot several inches ahead of the left one turned out at 180 degrees. Stretch your right arm outward and place the left arm upwards in the air in a curved position. Make sure that both your feet should be facing outwards in opposite directions and posture is straight. Keep your shoulders relaxed and not hunched. The fourth position should be accurately practiced, since it provides length and some of the most impressive lines in ballet dancing.
Fifth Position
This position is regarded as the most difficult ballet positions of all. Bring back the front foot and align it parallel to the other foot. Both the feet should touch against each other turned out in opposite directions. Place both your arms in a soft curve position upward in the air above your head. This position is perfected with time and experience. Keep your shoulders relaxed and not up by your ears.

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