Baby teethers are helpful in soothing the baby during the time his new teeth begin to come out. Find some useful information on baby teethers.

Baby Teethers

Most new moms would agree that babies grow rapidly. In no time, they start walking, talking and understanding things and situations. Each time a baby reaches a new phase of growing up; his/her body starts developing further. One of the most prominent milestones of growing up is the teething stage. Mostly, when the baby is about 4 to 6 months old, the first teeth appears. Some of the most common symptoms of the teething stage are swelling of the gums, drooling, gum sensitivity, irritability or fussiness, biting behavior, refusing food and sleep problems. Some infants even face the problem of diarrhea and fever.
The teething phase can be extremely frustrating for parents, as the child becomes extremely cranky and irritated during this time. This irritated behavior of a child is mainly because of the discomfort and the pain that he/ she undergoes. It is here that baby teethers come to play! Teethers are small objects of play that help in soothing the discomfort felt by the little one, during the teething process. In the following lines, we have provided detailed information about baby teethers, to help you select one for your child.
Teethers For Baby
Quite often, you must have seen a baby trying to chew the railing of his cribs or some furniture or toy. This is because the baby feels uncomfortable when his teeth are coming out and wants to chew on some solid, yet soft stuff that provides comfort as well as allows him to chew. This is where teethers prove themselves to be useful. The teethers are made of non-toxic materials and are of a size that is neither too big nor too small. This makes it safe to chew, as there are little chances of the baby swallowing the teether. 
A very useful baby product that helps a baby during his teething is the baby teether. Available in a plethora of colors and designs, teethers are very helpful in soothing the baby, when he/ she feels uncomfortable. The irritation and slight pain that the infant feels during the time his new teeth begin to come out are soothed down by a good quality teether. Baby teethers are usually made of soft chewable material like soft plastic, highly elastic rubber, silicone, etc. Some teethers can be filled with water as well, to make them more flexible to chew.
Most of the teethers available in the market have a textured, rubbery, rounded surface to prevent poking and scratching the baby. Owing to their small size, they can be easily grasped by the baby. Ideally, teethers with many sides are great. For instance, a teether in the shape of a giraffe would have five sides i.e. four legs and the neck. Having a squeaker teether would solve dual purpose - it would not only comfort the baby, but also keep him/her amused. The water filled teething rings are also beneficial as they can be put in the freezer. The icy cold feeling numbs the gums and gives the baby relief.
Teethers are available in a variety of bright colors like pink, green, blue, red, etc., which makes them attractive to the baby. The bright color also makes them easy to spot, when the baby throws his/her somewhere. Teethers also make an excellent gift items. They can be given to a friend who has recently had a baby. Whatever be your reason for buying the teether, at the time of choosing the same, make sure that it contains no toxic elements. Remember, the teether would mostly be inside the mouth of the baby and the toxic elements can easily harm him/her.

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