Before getting your hands on a spray to resolve your sweating woes, read on to know the difference between antiperspirant and deodorant. Find out who wins the antiperspirant Vs deodorant battle.

Antiperspirant Vs Deodorant

Summer is in and so is the much embarrassing sweat problem! Ever wondered what a hot, sweaty, busy day can do to you? Well, the answer is annoyingly the same for all of us. Long hours of work, stress and heat can get us smelling like a pig and the only way to do away with the embarrassment is to spray a deo or use an antiperspirant for the purpose. While most of us resort to these quick-fix solutions to combat sweat and odor, little thought do we give on whether to choose an antiperspirant or deodorant. The debate regarding the issue of antiperspirant Vs deodorant has been an extensive one with little or no result. What’s surprising is that only a handful of people are actually aware of the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant. Antiperspirants use chemicals to obstruct pores, which prevents the release of perspiration. Deodorants, on the other hand, allow perspiration to occur but counteract the odor. Both deodorants and antiperspirants are available in the form of mineral, gel, powder, cream and spray. While powdered form may be used for smelly sweaty feet, a cream or spray works best for underarm region, which helps combat sweat sensibly. Before you get down on discussing which one is the best amongst the two, understanding the basic difference between the two may help. Read on for more information.
Image: Paul Stevenson@flickr
Difference Between Antiperspirant Or Deodorant
  • Before you make up your mind on what works best for you - an antiperspirant or a deodorant, it is best to know the basic difference between the two odor controls. The biggest difference perhaps, between a deodorant and an antiperspirant is their modus operandi. While both are designed to counter perspiration, antiperspirants use chemicals or powerful astringents to clog or block the pores, while deodorants let go off the odor by breaking down the sweat and the bacteria, which cause body odor.
  • Antiperspirant contains chemicals like aluminum or zirconium which blocks the pores. The active ingredient aluminum chloride forms a gel like plug which clogs the pores and keeps you sweat free. Deodorant, on the other hand, contains a chemical called triclosan that makes the underarm skin acidic and prevents sweat and odor inducing bacteria from building up.
  • Now that you have finally unearthed the basic difference between antiperspirant and deodorant, you would definitely like to know which one is the best for you. Remember, deodorant is invariably used to masque body odor. It does not fight sweat, but instead works to egest the odiferous upshot of sweat. Antiperspirants, meanwhile, are considered a variant of deodorants, but while deodorants are used to check smell, antiperspirants are known to stop sweat.
  • Deodorant can be judiciously sprayed on almost all areas of the body and not just underarms. Although underarm deodorant is the most widely used anti-odor product, deodorant can be happily used anywhere to get rid of unwanted stench. However, antiperspirant is used mainly on the underarm areas of the body, and far less commonly on other body parts.
  • Long term use of both deodorants and antiperspirants are known to induce serious health hazards. While antiperspirants have been frequently linked to Alzheimer's disease, excessive use of deodorants is likely to cause breast cancer. Deodorants are found to contain parabens that is known to affect estrogen levels in women, causing breast cancer most often. So, before picking up your deo, look out for the ingredients used and steer clear of ones that contains parabens.

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