Looking out for some quick aerobic exercise workouts to keep your body healthy & fit? Here is a list of best aerobic exercises to choose from. Select one & get ready for a session of aerobic workout.

Aerobic Exercise Workouts

In today’s hectic life schedule, we don’t have time even for our own self, forget others. With deadlines to meet, traffic to counter and demands to fulfill, health has taken a backseat completely. Most of us come late from work and end up sleeping till late hours of the morning, only waking up when there is just enough time left to get ready and board the cab for a new day at work. This vicious cycle continues till we end up loading some unwanted kilos and multitude of diseases, starting from cardio vascular problem. Gone are the days when people resorted to veggies and fruits whenever hungry. Today, the trend is to call a fast food joint or restaurant and order food. Result - ever increasing waistlines and decreasing health. Are you in a similar state? Do the excess kilos impede between you and your favorite black halter dress? Wish to burn the excessive fats and regain the perfect shape that you once had? Aerobic workout is your only answer and solution. An oxygen-related activity, aerobic exercises help in enhancing the strengthening the heart, apart from burning the excessive fats and calories. Also, aerobic exercises enhance circulation of blood and oxygen in the body, thereby reducing stress and blood pressure problem. Aerobic workouts are extremely beneficial for diabetes patients. A mere 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic workout is sufficient to bereft the body from all its ailments and problems. Listed below are some of the aerobic exercise workouts that can really help you out in your goal for the achievement of better health.
Best Aerobic Exercises
Running and Jogging
They are the basic form of aerobic workouts. They can be used as warm up exercise and can be started with low level intensity. Running and jogging can be done both indoor and outdoor. Treadmill can be used for indoor jogging and running. For maximum benefits, increase the intensity of the workout after a passage of time.
It is another aerobic exercise which burns the most amounts of calories in a very short amount of time. Heart rate increases considerably, as body movements increases under water. Also, the best aspect about swimming is that it could be taken up as a hobby rather than a workout activity.
It can be done both indoor and outdoor. However, outdoor cycling is any time better than its indoor counterpart, as it gives you a chance to be close of Mother Nature, while exploring the unconquered terrains. The health benefits act as an added advantage to the whole activity. Indoor cycling can be done with the help of stationary cycles and recumbent cycles.
Athletic Training
It consists of various exercises which work out the different parts of the body. It includes jumping robe, squat thrusts, jump lunges, football runs, jumping jacks and high knees. These high-intensity activities raise your heart beat level and increase overall strength of the body. However, make sure you perform a warm up exercise before you perform the high-intensity training workout.
Step Aerobics
It is an exercise in which the workout is done on an elevated platform or step. Step aerobics includes moves like corner key, T- step, straddle down and few others. Height of the steps can be increased with time to increase the difficulty level.
Cardio Aerobic Exercises
Fitness machines and equipments are required for these kinds of exercises. This type of aerobic workout includes usage of elliptical trainers, rowing ergo meters, stair steppers and ski machines. These exercises can be performed for 20 to 45 minutes on alternate days.
Group Fitness Class
These aerobic classes include dance-based programs, kickboxing and old fashioned calisthenics. You can enroll yourself to any of the classes for a better and rejuvenated you. What’s more, on the way to good health, you also learn a new activity which you didn’t know of earlier. Also, if you like the activity, you can take it up as a hobby.   
So, what are you waiting for? Take a step forward to a great health by including a these aerobic workouts in your daily regimen!

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